Guilty. Not Guilty. 

Those are the only options facing Ebony Jones. She is standing trial in the death of Judge Barker Gordon. A crime she says she did not commit. Defended by her boyfriend, and former State Attorney James Parnell, the two of them are left at the mercy of the jury. Do they believe Ebony is a cold and calculated killer, or a domestic abuse survivor defending herself the best way she knew how?

Supported by Judge Gordon’s ex-girlfriend, Soleil St. James, news anchor Dawn Anthony, emergency room surgeon Doctor Jonelle “Johnnie” Edwards and her estranged mother, Ayana Jones, Ebony must redefine her relationship with each woman as she grapples with the prospect of imprisonment. 

This contentious fate threatens to erode her relationship with James. As they unpack the roots of their relationship, the circumstances of Judge Gordon’s death, and what comes next, Ebony and James are forced to decide if what has kept them together is lust, love, or lies. In the fight for freedom, truth, and justice Ebony and James push the boundaries of their affection, and complicate the laws of their attraction, as they ask each other and are forced to answer: What’s the appeal?


“Her curious readers aren’t wrong, after following and caring about Ebony, Dawn, Soleil and Johnnie, it’s not easy to walk away, with no idea how things turn out. But more than a simple denouement of the story, Appeal offers a compelling window in the psyches of these woman, after their lives become radically different. If Four was a startling ride into the heart of their lives, Appeal gives ground to the circumstances of the characters. Now that Ebony’s trial is over, they must return to address the complex minutiae in which they exist.”


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